Perfect 12 Easy Tricks to Improve Drawing

Perfect 12 Easy Tricks to Improve Drawing

To Improve drawing skills is akin to nurturing a delicate seedling into a blossoming flower – it requires patience, dedication, and a sprinkle of creativity. Fortunately, mastering the art of drawing need not be an arduous journey fraught with complexity. In fact, there are a myriad of simple yet profoundly effective tricks that can elevate your drawing prowess to new heights. Whether you’re an aspiring artist seeking to refine your craft or simply eager to unleash your latent creativity, these twelve straightforward techniques promise to unlock the door to artistic excellence. So, prepare your canvas, sharpen your pencils, and let’s embark on a delightful adventure of discovery and improvement through these twelve simple drawing tricks.

What Are Drawing Skills

Drawing skills encompass the capacity to depict objects or forms through the use of lines, as well as the proficiency in utilizing various mediums such as paints, charcoal, and colors. While many perceive drawing skills as an inherent talent, they can also be cultivated through practice and the acquisition of new techniques. Even basic tasks like mastering the correct grip of a pen or pencil contribute to the refinement of one’s artistic abilities. In addition to drawing on paper, you can also draw on digital devices with available applications to enhance your drawing skills.

.What Are Drawing Skills
.What Are Drawing Skills

Perfect 12 Easy Tricks to Improve Drawing

1. Practice Lines and Curves

Begin by using a pen or pencil to draw straight lines and clean curves on a piece of paper. Focus on maintaining fluidity in your strokes and avoid short, choppy lines. Additionally, challenge yourself by drawing various shapes like triangles and circles to improve precision and control.

Practice Lines and Curves
Practice Lines and Curves

2. Experiment with Lines

Explore different line qualities by repeatedly sketching simple designs such as flowers or hexagons. Vary the thickness and smoothness of your lines with each iteration to discover your preferred drawing style and refine your technique.

Experiment with Lines
Experiment with Lines

3. Sketch Ordinary Objects

Take a moment to observe your surroundings and select an everyday item to sketch. Capture its details in your sketchbook and consider adding notes about the context, such as the weather or your mood, turning the page into a mini-diary. If you feel inspired, experiment with adding color using markers or watercolors to enhance your sketches.

Sketch Ordinary Objects
Sketch Ordinary Objects

4. Carry a Sketchbook Everywhere

Keep a sketchbook and a pen or pencil with you at all times, allowing you to draw whenever you have a free moment. Whether you’re on the bus or during your lunch break, take advantage of these opportunities to sketch quick drawings. The more frequently you draw, the more it becomes a habit, leading to continuous improvement in your drawing skills.

Carry a Sketchbook Everywhere
Carry a Sketchbook Everywhere

5. Set Timed Sketching Challenges

Improve your focus and efficiency by setting timed sketching challenges. Choose a reference image and challenge yourself to complete a sketch within a specified time limit, progressively reducing the time for added difficulty. This exercise helps sharpen your observational skills and enhances your ability to work under pressure.

Set Timed Sketching Challenges
Set Timed Sketching Challenges

6. Trace Drawings for Style Improvement

Learn from accomplished artists by tracing over their drawings to understand their techniques and styles. Experiment with different line qualities and thicknesses while tracing to challenge yourself and develop a deeper understanding of various artistic approaches.

Trace Drawings for Style Improvement
Trace Drawings for Style Improvement

7. Draw Something New to Challenge Yourself

Step out of your comfort zone by drawing subjects that push your boundaries and challenge your skills. Whether it’s capturing unfamiliar objects or experimenting with unconventional compositions, embracing new challenges is essential for growth and development as an artist.

Draw Something New to Challenge Yourself
Draw Something New to Challenge Yourself

8. Draw from Memory to Enhance Detailing

Strengthen your attention to detail by drawing from memory. Start by sketching a reference image and then attempt to recreate it from memory, paying close attention to the details you may have overlooked. This exercise helps train your observational skills and improves your ability to recall and reproduce intricate details.

Draw from Memory to Enhance Detailing
Draw from Memory to Enhance Detailing

9. Schedule Daily Drawing Sessions

Cultivate a consistent drawing practice by scheduling daily drawing sessions. Set aside dedicated time each day to focus on your craft, even if it’s just for a few minutes. By making drawing a regular habit, you’ll gradually build momentum and see significant improvements in your skills over time.

Schedule Daily Drawing Sessions
Schedule Daily Drawing Sessions

10. Use Different Drawing Materials to Find Your Preference

Practice drawing with pencils, gel pens, charcoal, markers, and any other type of drawing medium to improve your skills and start to develop your style. Draw lines, curves, and simple shapes using different mediums to see which ones you prefer using. Using different mediums can lead to a unique and specific style of drawing that you use. Try different types of paper as well to experiment further with your materials.

Use Different Drawing Materials to Find Your Preference
Use Different Drawing Materials to Find Your Preference

11. Draw the World Around You

Take the time to observe your surroundings and find inspiration in everyday objects. Whether it’s the view from your window, a coffee mug, or your pet’s face, anything can serve as a subject for your drawings. By practicing drawing familiar objects, you’ll develop your skills in proportions and shapes, and gain the confidence to explore new techniques.

Draw the World Around You
Draw the World Around You

12. Integrate Drawing into Daily Life with a Journal

Carry a journal with you wherever you go to seamlessly incorporate drawing practice into your daily routine. Whenever you encounter something interesting, take the opportunity to sketch it. Keeping a journal also allows you to track the progression of your drawing skills over time, providing valuable insights into your growth as an artist.

Integrate Drawing into Daily Life with a Journal
Integrate Drawing into Daily Life with a Journal


Drawing skills encompass more than just the ability to sketch or illustrate objects using lines. They involve proficiency in working with various mediums and techniques, which can be developed through consistent practice and learning. While some may view drawing as an innate talent, it is accessible to anyone willing to invest time and effort into honing their craft. By mastering fundamental skills such as holding a pen or pencil correctly and continually experimenting with different approaches, individuals can unlock their creative potential and express themselves artistically with confidence. Remember, drawing is a journey of self-discovery and improvement, and every stroke made contributes to personal growth as an artist. Happy drawing!

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